Many physicians enjoy a successful career in medicine by practicing in their respective hospitals or for government entities. Some decide to expand and become entrepreneurial with their craft. Such decisions can include, but may not be limited to: forming your own solo practice, starting a diversified group practice with other doctors, opening imaging centers, and investing in hospitals or companies that provide other healthcare services.
To remain competitive, it is important to maintain sophistication and innovation. Healthcare management is very different from practicing medicine. Knowing who to hire, how to minimize risk for malpractice liability, making sound business decisions for property, contracts, and equipment, and keeping up with the latest advances in efficient coding and record keeping can be difficult and time consuming. At Midwest Legal Partners, our attorneys have not only drafted corporate operating agreements for a variety of businesses, but we have done so for healthcare companies as well. We continue to advise financially lucrative partnerships that have thrived since their formation. Our attorneys will be there from the beginning. We also understand that sometimes a medical practice, like other businesses, don’t always go as planned. While we advise, decisions are made ultimately by the business owners themselves. We have the skills and experience to advise on difficult decisions for pressing situations, including employee layoffs, possible dissolution of hospitals, shareholder buyouts, mergers and acquisitions, and joint venture agreements. We combine our other practice groups to ensure that the reputation and financial stability of your practice endures. |
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